N63 Abbeyknockmoy bridge topographical survey.
Project overview
This project consisted of carrying out a detailed topographical survey of the N63 bridge at Abbeyknockmoy, County Galway. We carried out a high accuracy survey using Total station, laser scanning and GPS of the road/bridge to produce a topographical survey, bridge elevations and cross sections. For hard to reach areas we used a UAV to provide additional data to ensure a full DTM of the whole survey area was captured.
Project solution
The road and bridge details were surveyed using a Trimble SX10 total station/laser scanner with point cloud registrations done on site and checked back at the office. This speeded up the delivery process.
A full ground survey of the watercourse and bridge area was also undertaken using conventional survey techniques.
A detailed 2 cm pixel orthophoto was captured for the whole area interest.
A detailed high accuracy ground topographical survey in AutoCAD was produced for the bridge, road and surrounding property areas.
In addition to the ground topographical survey we produced bridge elevations and cross sections in AutoCAD format.
Project accuracies Aerial - Horizontal accuracy of +/-25 mm for soft detail areas in fields and private property. Vertical accuracy (levels) +/-50 mm for soft detail areas in fields and private property..
Project accuracies Ground - Horizontal accuracy of +/-5mm for hard detail such as roads and bridges and +/-15 mm for soft detail such as vegetation and surface changes. Vertical accuracy (levels) +/-5 mm for hard detail and +/- 25 mm accuracy for soft detail.
Project delivery
2D/3D Ground Topographical Survey, bridge elevations and cross sections AutoCAD format.
Ortho photo in GeoTIFF format.
TIN model in AutoCAD format.
CSV/ASCII file of survey data.
Provision of survey report..
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